NABOKV-L posts by author: Carolyn Kunin
- Re: Neuroscience and "Pale Fire"byCarolyn Kunin
- Fw: pre-ordering Priscilla Meyers' new bookbyCarolyn Kunin
- Neuroscience and "Pale Fire"byCarolyn Kunin
- Lester Traub (a grape not a Taub,
spasibo Alexey) collection of NabokovianabyCarolyn Kunin - Vladimir Nabokov Catalogue AnnouncementbyCarolyn Kunin
- new book on the end of Bunny & VolodyabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in
Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin - Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Chess in English?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: birds, nests & Gradus in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Interview & PronunciationbyCarolyn Kunin
- TraductionbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: The name of L*litabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: The name of LolitabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] BIB: On the name "Lolita" ... Maar and
Dorothy ParkerbyCarolyn Kunin - Re: BIB: On the name "Lolita"byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Query] Lolita's homelessness and inheritancebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Botkin as prisoner of Zembla in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Query for Matt RothbyCarolyn Kunin
- Kater Murr, Philomela and Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Philomela and Pale Fire?byCarolyn Kunin
- Sorry about that!byCarolyn Kunin
- More on Kater MurrbyCarolyn Kunin
- pets, invalids & cats in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- underworldly names: Shade, Sybil and HazelbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: VN's "Bedside" PushkinbyCarolyn Kunin
- more about Disa & SybilbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Four more likely origins of the name DisabyCarolyn Kunin
- RLS: Heather Ale & Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Two Johns RaybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Two Johns RaybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Two Johns RaybyCarolyn Kunin
- Two Johns RaybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] ParheliabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: ParheliabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: ENC: [NABOKV-L] kotik,
vyhuhol' & belladonna in Ada - and acetylcholine...byCarolyn Kunin - Mansfield Park in Time & SpacebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [NABOKV -L] A certain kind of immortality...byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: SAD NEWS: N-L Contributor Stan Kelly-BootlebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: glass fish and flower in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: elevators & toys in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: SIGHTING: Francine Prose on HH re: Maurice Chevalier's "Thank
Heaven for Little Girls"byCarolyn Kunin - sightingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: EDITORIAL: Nabokovian Short Story Book Club?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDAY poembyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] BIRTHDAY: Many happy returns (in Speak,
Memory)byCarolyn Kunin - Re: BIRTHDAY: Many happy returns (in Speak, Memory)byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] early birthday tribute
CorrectionbyCarolyn Kunin - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] early birthday tributebyCarolyn Kunin
- early birthday tributebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Dr Krolik in Ada: buried alive?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Dr Krolik in Ada pupae and maggotsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Dr Krolik in Ada (burrowing again)byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Greatest Fictional CharacterbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [ERRATA] Kinbote and his crownbyCarolyn Kunin
- Main characters in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Escher in Pale Fire, the poem?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Escher in Pale Fire, the poem?byCarolyn Kunin
- Escher in Pale Fire, the poem?byCarolyn Kunin
- Jekyll and Hyde; Escher; Roth & de Rewal et moi aussibyCarolyn Kunin
[NABOKV-L] topology/fugal time; Kinbote/GradusbyCarolyn Kunin - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L]
topology/fugal time; Kinbote/GradusbyCarolyn Kunin - Re: n-rereadings of PF: dualities...byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] topology/fugal time;
Kinbote/GradusbyCarolyn Kunin - more on fugues, Freud from Jim TwiggsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] topology/fugal time; Kinbote/GradusbyCarolyn Kunin
- topology/fugal time; Kinbote/GradusbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: n-rereadings of PF: dualities...byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Palatka & Witch in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Iris,Hazel, Emperors and butterflies: Brian BoydbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: certicle storms in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: certicle storms in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: certicle storms in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Dr Mertvago & Dr SwissairbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Dr Mertvago & Dr Swissair [for the List, not just Mary E]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Nabokov butterflies of America: addendum to "Dr.
Mertvago...Lumbago"byCarolyn Kunin - Re: Dr Mertvago & Dr SwissairbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: steklo strekozbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: cicadas & grasshoppers and an un-Jiminy cricketbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS re: mandibles, mandevils, man devilsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Sighting & QuizbyCarolyn Kunin
- civilitybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Sighting & QuizbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Sighting & QuizbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [QUERY] Pushkin in LRL& a PS: one instance in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Sighting & QuizbyCarolyn Kunin
- Sighting & QuizbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: "Wodnaggen" in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [QUERY] Pushkin in LRLbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: "Wodnaggen" in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [QUERY] Pushkin in LRLbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [QUERY] Pushkin in LRLbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [QUERY] Pushkin in LRLbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- Humbert's innocence in Lolita's eyesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- the Real Question regarding Humbert's InnocencebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Percy de Prey, Cordula Tobak & dogs in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Trivia: on dogs, cats (Tobermory) and wistful thinkingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Taking Humbert and Quilty SingularlybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Taking Humbert and Quilty SingularlybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Nabokov-L] - misidentificationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Taking Humbert and Quilty SingularlybyCarolyn Kunin
- First Russian AlicebyCarolyn Kunin
- News from FrancebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Wrong archives? and Colette, incestbyCarolyn Kunin
- Incest in Lolitaa?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Thoughts] Art's higher level correctionbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Thoughts] Art's higher levelbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Nabokov on FacebookbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Valley Blondies, Blagidze et al. in LATHbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [SIGHTING] Enkrypted words and transparenciesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [SIGHTING] Enkrypted words and transparenciesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: VN & Phyllis GreenacrebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Time & Crimea in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: paralysis in LATH & Documentary commentbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Fwd: Re: 1989 BBC Documentary: Amis, Boyd, Byatt, Girodias,
Nabokovs 2 and 3, and WhitebyCarolyn Kunin - Re: THOUGHTS: Pnin, St. Bart, Baring-GouldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: SM, ADA, and silent movie actor MozzhukinbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: ANNC: Symposium on Carl Proffer at U of Michigan Sept. 20-21byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Vetrov & Oks in LATHbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Vetrov & Oks in LATHbyCarolyn Kunin
- reply to Jansy re metamorphosesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Harlequin JalouxbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Chess problembyCarolyn Kunin
- attempt at Italian Chess problem translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Chess problembyCarolyn Kunin
- chess problem solutionbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Chess problembyCarolyn Kunin
- Chess problembyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: thoughts: 4000 timesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Sighting] Robert Stam.byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Cocteau and VNbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Responses from Carolyn Kunin on birthday and muscatbyCarolyn Kunin
- ck replies to Alladaye and JMbyCarolyn Kunin
- The FractalistbyCarolyn Kunin
- will the real Mr X please stand up?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Did VN know German? and a library is announcedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Did VN know German? and a library is announcedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Taking the Waters, a digression on a themebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Did VN know German? and a library is announcedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Did VN know German? and a library is announcedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Quelques FleursbyCarolyn Kunin
- Kater MurrbyCarolyn Kunin
- Learned cats and their talesbyCarolyn Kunin
- cute Oak stories & etymologiesbyCarolyn Kunin
- The Electric ShepherdbyCarolyn Kunin
- Bright eyed parricide?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: learned catbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Rejection letters (part of) LolitabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDATES and Irish writersbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [ TRIVIA] Colt, Coates,
Oates and Starov in PF and RLSK. Thimbles and daedalian plansbyCarolyn Kunin - Re: BIRTHDATES: Pnin's BirthdaybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [ TRIVIA] Colt, Coates,
Oates and Starov in PF and RLSK. Thimbles and daedalian plansbyCarolyn Kunin - hoaxes and forgeriesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: VNBIB: RE: Richardson & VNbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Headless HorsemanbyCarolyn Kunin
- query re VN, SR & 3 virginalsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Headless HorsemanbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDAYbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pencils, in honor of Transparent ThingsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDAY: Chasing on a Moebius Band...byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDAY: Returning to the partybyCarolyn Kunin
- Carmen and the Barman dittybyCarolyn Kunin
- The lands of cocaine and CockaignebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Lolita ... sin, soul & 'gird up the loins of your mind'?byCarolyn Kunin
- the original of balloons and balletsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: swoony-baloonybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Lolita ... sin, soul & 'gird up the loins of your mind'?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Forever EmeraldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Forever EmeraldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pierre Legrand's complaintbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: 2088 Mandeville Canyon RoadbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: VNBIB: Reading Voices & Transegmental Drift in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Thinking of PninbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Canada: Ada and Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- some images of Palos Verdes & the rarest butterfly in the worldbyCarolyn Kunin
- 2088 Mandeville Canyon RoadbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Canada: Ada and Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Thinking of PninbyCarolyn Kunin
- John Bailey, Sartre, etsybyCarolyn Kunin
- to those of short memory: Diment on PninbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: VN on compassion in PNINbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: VN on compassion in PNINbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: John Bailey & VN (or not)byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: in vino veritas in IstambulbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: how to play Pharoh?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: eucharistials and other sacramental objects/Js Joyce?byCarolyn Kunin
- how to play Pharoh?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: fake your way through a quiz by Prof. Vladimir Nabokov ...byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Humbert's readingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Ada's dissolved epigraphbyCarolyn Kunin
- Sue LyonbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Ada's dissolved epigraphbyCarolyn Kunin
- Darker ShadesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Ada's dissolved epigraphbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Columbus IIbyCarolyn Kunin
- Ivan IV & other russian literature tid-bitsbyCarolyn Kunin
- the third Gift has arrivedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: query: Humbert's stunt doublesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Habemus PapabyCarolyn Kunin
- Habemus PapabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Percy de PreybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Percy de PreybyCarolyn Kunin
- NY Times has Lep news..byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: tatarinbyCarolyn Kunin
- PF crystals & StendhalbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Double Consciousness in Wordsworth & Shade
(correction)byCarolyn Kunin - Re: Pnin's own Vladimir?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pnin's own Vladimir?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: fulmerlog:VN Sighting: Michael Chabon on Wes Anderson's
Nabokovian WorldsbyCarolyn Kunin - Pnin's own Vladimir?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Gradus in Feu palebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Chess and the asymetric universebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Ada: one board/two brainsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Newton's bodkinbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Chess and the asymetric universebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: War and PeacebyCarolyn Kunin
- Grozd' = a bunch [of champagne grapes]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: War and PeacebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Sibling incest/Isaac, Jacob and RebekkahbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: more from the archives re nikto b'byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Sibling incest/Isaac, Jacob and Rebekkah]byCarolyn Kunin
- lepitoperological miracle?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Nobody? Nemo? let's call the whole think off!byCarolyn Kunin
- Nobody? Nemo? let's call the whole think off!byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Fwd: Bryusov and Salieri]byCarolyn Kunin
- J&H/PF reversalbyCarolyn Kunin
- Sibling incest/Isaac, Jacob and RebekkahbyCarolyn Kunin
- more from the archives re nikto b'byCarolyn Kunin
- it's in here ,,, somewhere ,,,byCarolyn Kunin
- Kinbote but not BotkinebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Fwd: Pasternak, which reminds me]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: pasternakbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [MABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] Google alert on "Breitenstraeter -
Paolino", VN's rare story about boxing.- and morebyCarolyn Kunin - More on Cinderella's CoxbyCarolyn Kunin
- Y B Pasternak's passingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Zolushka/incest tale?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: zhiletka bladesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Fwd: American idioms]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: angels and demonsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [Fwd: Ada: indestructible Gamaliel]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Shakespeare connection, part IV - Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Shakespeare connection, part IV - Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Zhiletka and ginger bread hmmbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Line 130 and shavingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: zhiletkabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pale Fire Commentary on Line 130]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pale Fire Commentary on Line 130]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: SIGHTINGS of a kindbyCarolyn Kunin
- Please post w/ ironic comment if possiblebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pages of VN lecture still AWOL?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Nabokov Family TreebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Nabokov and DiaghilevbyCarolyn Kunin
- and the winner is ..byCarolyn Kunin
- Liberty 's other Russian, VN connectionsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Box, and/or how to say sobaka in EnglishbyCarolyn Kunin
- missing Kalmakov link?byCarolyn Kunin
- Syrians, Swans and OzerosbyCarolyn Kunin
- Dr K and Mr S - tada!byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Dr Kinbote and Mr ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- monograms in AdabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Demon's deathbyCarolyn Kunin
- Bad Seeds, Parricides and Explosives in the archivesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Help locating Kitezh? V.I. Bielsky?byCarolyn Kunin
- real Cantaboff solutionbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Koo-Ahn-Trow and English priestsbyCarolyn Kunin
- limerick authorship & V Cantaboff riddlebyCarolyn Kunin
- searching the archives perverselybyCarolyn Kunin
- Solution to Oranger-Knox riddle?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Firebird Phoenix and SirinbyCarolyn Kunin
- Fwd: Nabokov, Sirin, FirebirdbyCarolyn Kunin
- another remarkable natural Nabokovian event?byCarolyn Kunin
- thinking in images; theologybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Firebird reply to A. StadlenbyCarolyn Kunin
- birds of a feather: "Firebird" and "Apollon"?byCarolyn Kunin
- Sirin & Zhar-ptitsa cult?byCarolyn Kunin
- Kalmakov's Swan Lake?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: It Happens (Red Admiral outbreak in NYC)byCarolyn Kunin
- images re Fulmerford-Kalmakov-SadkobyCarolyn Kunin
- down Lemur Lane from Fulmerford to KalmakovbyCarolyn Kunin
- (re-formatted) Mrs B on Little Miss L & GGbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Appendix to Bunny, Judy, & Volodya?byCarolyn Kunin
- from Kalmakov to FulmerfordbyCarolyn Kunin
- p.s. re Bunny, Judy & VolodyabyCarolyn Kunin
- Bunny, Judy & Volodya?byCarolyn Kunin
- VN's poetic genius and PF poembyCarolyn Kunin
- Little Miss Lollipop - the plot thickensbyCarolyn Kunin
- "Shakespeare" or de Vere (1924)?byCarolyn Kunin
- Kalmakov's 'Death' & VN's "In Paradise"byCarolyn Kunin
- a new challenge from an old contributorbyCarolyn Kunin
- a new challenge from an old contributorbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Soviet provincialism?byCarolyn Kunin
- Shadei/Shaddai not homonymousbyCarolyn Kunin
- meaning of "wax" in waxwingbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Soviet provincialism?byCarolyn Kunin
- Sirin signaturebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: review of V&V by ThirlwellbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: George Sanders and VNbyCarolyn Kunin
- soviet Nabokov?byCarolyn Kunin
- Carolyn's complaintbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Soviet provincialism?byCarolyn Kunin
- our old humbug & his bugaboosbyCarolyn Kunin
- Love for 7 DollsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Soviet provincialism?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pasternak, Bunin & NabokovbyCarolyn Kunin
- Pasternak, Bunin & NabokovbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: A challenge for NabokoviansbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS on Shade's Litany of Loathes, Shaving, Canto 4byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: a BIRTHDAY proposal?byCarolyn Kunin
- peevish note re: wild march nightbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Semblable: neighbour, fellow, but not doublebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: a BIRTHDAY proposal?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: BIRTHDAY GIFT: Cover design for The University Poem and Other
Poems by VNbyCarolyn Kunin - cruelty?byCarolyn Kunin
- a BIRTHDAY proposal?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: Down, Fido?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: CrueltybyCarolyn Kunin
- a few more images of Quelques Fleurs powderbyCarolyn Kunin
- quelques mots apropos de 'Quelques Fleurs'byCarolyn Kunin
- Fwd: The Lepidopterist's Library: Beautiful Old Butterfly BooksbyCarolyn Kunin
- Dyson? Wow!byCarolyn Kunin
- Trois QuesbyCarolyn Kunin
- du Maurier & VNbyCarolyn Kunin
- The Green DoorbyCarolyn Kunin
- riddle re-thinkbyCarolyn Kunin
- zesty skaters riddlebyCarolyn Kunin
- more zesty skatersbyCarolyn Kunin
- What the skater retakesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Wilson as Kinbote??byCarolyn Kunin
- Red Wop ExplainedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop ExplainedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop ExplainedbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Rabbits, Haze and Hase - and Rab'laisbyCarolyn Kunin
- reply to Alexey's p.s.sbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Is Krolik breeding or feeding?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Is Krolik breeding or feeding?byCarolyn Kunin
- End to STRANGbyCarolyn Kunin
- Is Krolik breeding or feeding?byCarolyn Kunin
- larvae & instars or Krolik: breeding or feeding?byCarolyn Kunin
- Wer ist Iris?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: VNBIB: Introduction to Stevenson's Jekyll and HydebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] An amusing contrast in PF's lines about "human
life"byCarolyn Kunin - David Lodge on LaurabyCarolyn Kunin
- goblets?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyCarolyn Kunin
- L N G of QbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJbyCarolyn Kunin
- reaction to Roth & DeRewal paperbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: NEWS: Dr. John Rae's Arctic ExplorationsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Tribute from a (very) buff OrpingtonbyCarolyn Kunin
- THOUGHTS: supernatural events in the housebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: the meaning of preteristbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Can anyone identify this?]byCarolyn Kunin
- the meaning of preteristbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: de fencing lessons]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: de fencing lessons]byCarolyn Kunin
- a little Nabokov/Pushkin bibliographybyCarolyn Kunin
- the original of ADAbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: ADA and the Siege of LeningradbyCarolyn Kunin
- Under the bus, Carmenolyn!byCarolyn Kunin
- Yady Ady & golden armsbyCarolyn Kunin
- da opera lessonbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: de fencing lessonsbyCarolyn Kunin
- de fencing lessonsbyCarolyn Kunin
- the sans of time and logicbyCarolyn Kunin
- response to skbbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Giving up DEFENSE]byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: reading ADA anagramaticallybyCarolyn Kunin
- response to Jansy's JG/JS with p.s.byCarolyn Kunin
- pictures of PoppinsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Charlie Chaplin's propbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Giving up DEFENSE]byCarolyn Kunin
- [Query] Aleister Crowley/Cammell/numbersbyCarolyn Kunin
- more Martin GardnerbyCarolyn Kunin
- Fwd: Nabokov's Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Harry GeduldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Giving up DEFENSEbyCarolyn Kunin
- More one damned mind after the otherbyCarolyn Kunin
- Turns of the ScrewbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: one damned mind after the otherbyCarolyn Kunin
- that li'l ol' cherry-picker, moibyCarolyn Kunin
- Life everlasting or "point d'exclamation final"?byCarolyn Kunin
- madness and avian theme in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- one damned mind after the otherbyCarolyn Kunin
- My whoord, sir!byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: madness as a kind of exilebyCarolyn Kunin
- Who is Elsie?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: hypnosis, free-association in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- multi-colored marriage?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versa]byCarolyn Kunin
- Vseslav & SzeftelbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: a bit of S in KbyCarolyn Kunin
- Query regarding Lolita ParadoxbyCarolyn Kunin
- a bit of S in KbyCarolyn Kunin
- Kunin replies to AisenbergbyCarolyn Kunin
- PF fugue made simple: Escape/Chase/Insanity (repeat)byCarolyn Kunin
- Fwd: question of homosexuality in J & HbyCarolyn Kunin
- is Shade dead?byCarolyn Kunin
- Pale Fire's (fatal?) FlawbyCarolyn Kunin
- response to - SPECULATIVE QUERY]byCarolyn Kunin
- P...F proof?byCarolyn Kunin
- VN on Dickens, Jekyll & HydebyCarolyn Kunin
- Sympathy for Mick, Aleister & ChasbyCarolyn Kunin
- response to Barry Warren's query re von Echternach OdebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Editorial re: archivesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Three Faces of EvebyCarolyn Kunin
- Three Faces of EvebyCarolyn Kunin
- perils of learning RussianbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Three Faces of EvebyCarolyn Kunin
- One GinbyCarolyn Kunin
- Three Faces of EvebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: acrostrichbyCarolyn Kunin
- correction re: Derzhavin's last wordsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Derzhavin's last wordsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Matt's math problem still unsolvedbyCarolyn Kunin
- uproar over Fauns and NijinkybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Pale Fire & 'book of names'byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Shade's Mockingbird/ stiff vane (second thoughts)byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Olympia Press, Paris, 1955, two volumes--bound togetherbyCarolyn Kunin
- kinbote and HydebyCarolyn Kunin
- sans anything?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Location of New WyebyCarolyn Kunin
- more mirbyCarolyn Kunin
- reply: ConchologybyCarolyn Kunin
- Mr Wood and the "leggy thing"byCarolyn Kunin
- puzzle for nabokoviansbyCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin on Book NotebyCarolyn Kunin
- "unpublished poem version of Lolita"?byCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin re Dr Sutton's fieldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Constellations & the Mystery of Dr. SuttonbyCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin replies on how VN saw ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- more on poet Ella Wheeler WilcoxbyCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin on point of bifurcationbyCarolyn Kunin
- has Nabokov created a narrator/double before?byCarolyn Kunin
- darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin to MR & Alexey (omnibussed)byCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin responds & queriesbyCarolyn Kunin
- HippopotamiansbyCarolyn Kunin
- Shade & parentsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Kunin to Twiggs : Thank you, sir.byCarolyn Kunin
- many many more THOUGHTS: Tumbled Beds!!!byCarolyn Kunin
- melodramatic apology & justification from Carolyn KuninbyCarolyn Kunin
- reply to one of Matt Roth's query & a counter-querybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyCarolyn Kunin
- Lansquenet sourcebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: cabbage thrower?byCarolyn Kunin
- cabbage thrower?byCarolyn Kunin
- Palos Verdes BluesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: QUERY: VN and Henry JamesbyCarolyn Kunin
- The sky is blue - - or not?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: 3 from JMello: 2 sightings; scorpions & menbyCarolyn Kunin
- More on ConmalbyCarolyn Kunin
- High German and Low/Gregor SamsabyCarolyn Kunin
- jewish "Bodkin" tradition?byCarolyn Kunin
- Red Admiral vs Cabbage WhitebyCarolyn Kunin
- 17th century Artist turned NaturalistbyCarolyn Kunin
- Hazel out of Kinbote?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: FW: Frost & ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: FW: Frost & ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- FW: Frost & ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- April in Arizona and popular songsbyCarolyn Kunin
- more on AmorandolabyCarolyn Kunin
- ck objects to CHW staunch anti-ism stancebyCarolyn Kunin
- ck's 2 cents worth on another TheorybyCarolyn Kunin
- gnomon and Euclid & morebyCarolyn Kunin
- from ck to Jansy - mandorla & rosebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Shadow Hunters & SundialsbyCarolyn Kunin
- ck to JM re: tesselation and parapet.byCarolyn Kunin
- wishful thought on problem of perspective in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- the Fourth in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- shadow of a bird imagebyCarolyn Kunin
- Hogg in translation?byCarolyn Kunin
- ck replies to Jansy re Brocken SpectrebyCarolyn Kunin
- did VN read Hogg's Confessions?byCarolyn Kunin
- more lapwings & waxwings from the archivesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Don's waxwing querybyCarolyn Kunin
- Cresset & other editions of Hogg's ConfessionsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Twiggs Pale Fire essay (a response to our many discussions of the
novel)byCarolyn Kunin - from ck to AB on brocken in PF & HoggbyCarolyn Kunin
- VN & Hogg, doubles & paraheliabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- translating parrots seriouslybyCarolyn Kunin
- correction of VN on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Bend SinisterbyCarolyn Kunin